Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu paid tribute to Jeyesh Ram, a 27-year-old entrepreneur from Tamil Nadu, who died in a paragliding accident in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. Vembu emphasized the need for stricter ...
Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu has called for stricter safety measures in adventure sports after the death of a 27-year-old entrepreneur from Tamil Nadu. Jeyesh Ram, the son of Mr Vembu's close friends ...
Warning young people against experiencing sports like paragliding, Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu said way too many accidents happen with sickening regulatory measures. More than five people died in ...
Underscoring just this aspect, Zoho founder and major opinion leader on X, Sridhar Vembu, underscored the relevance of self-reliance in strategically important sectors. 'Something Needs To Change ...
Laupäeval sai alguse traditsiooniline jalgpalli Taliturniir, kui Paide jalgpallihallis kohtusid Tallinna FCI Levadia ja Tartu JK Tammeka ning Paide Linnameeskond ja JK Narva Trans. Päeva esimeses ...
Selle kiuste suutis Monfils kolmandagi seti viia kiiresse lõppmängu, mille kaotas lõpuks 2:7, kuid suurepärase liikumise poolest tuntud prantslase jalad enam teda ei kandnud ja nii otsustas ta ...
Puumadest ja teistest metsloomadest ning nende elulistest vajadustest räägime kell 8.15 Tallinna loomaaia loomakasvatusnõuniku Anne Saluneemega. Kell 8.40 vahendab Jüri Nikolajev vene meedia uudiseid.
Zoho Corporation CEO Sridhar Vembu on Sunday said that there was a need for India to achieve technological self-reliance in critical sectors like defense, citing the importance of innovation for ...
Zoho Corporation CEO Sridhar Vembu has expressed concern over the tragic death of 28-year-old Tamil Nadu tourist Jayesh Ram in a paragliding accident in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. In a heartfelt ...