Arise and Witness,” a collection of Sr. Anne Montgomery’s poems and essays, along with reflections about her life, issues a call to rise and protect life. It reminds me of the work of Thich Nhat Hanh, ...
Veterans are speaking out against the notion of military welfare queens, arguing that the rise in disability payments is due ...
During the war in Vietnamone of the most insidious dangers for American soldiers were the traps of Punji Sticks. It ...
PANO - France is willing to continue to together with Vietnam cooperate and participate in the process of setting ...
Yet even as governments and private industry race for supremacy in artificial intelligence, none of them possess a clear ...
Any indication that the West, especially the US, is ready to blink, whatever the reason and circumstances, could strengthen ...
War of the Rohirrim' Fizzles Overseas With $2 Million Debut 25 great bands that feature more than one primary vocalist 18 Pretty Plants That Thrive Without Direct Sunlight In Your Yard The US ...
Russia’s abandonment of the Assad regime to marshal more resources for the fight against Ukraine vividly illustrates that ...
When to travel and where to stay - Where to visit in Vietnam for secluded rural retreats to discovering inner-city gems ...