Wizards of Baking.” The competition series, hosted by Fred and George Weasley actors James and Oliver Phelps, follows teams ...
Detective Conan, on the other hand, a series also referred to in English as Case Closed, written and illustrated by Gosho ...
The phenomenon of Potterhead Politics is a intriguing example of how a fanbase has become a vehicle for engaging with ...
Harry Potter gets a legendary anime crossover, with new artwork based on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone as well as a ...
Chris Columbus is giving his thoughts on the upcoming Harry Potter television series being adapted by HBO.
Retailers and investors alike are piling into companies and shares related to what is called the guzi economy, a flourishing ...
Marisa Méndez, Senior Editor Located at the studios where all eight of the "Harry Potter" films were produced ... it was worth the effort, though. Warner Bros. Studio Tour London is located ...
As Warner Bros. Television readies HBO’s Harry Potter TV series for a summer production start in the U.K., Warner Horizon is satiating fan appetites with a second season of Harry Potter: Wizards of ...
Barty Crouch Jr. warner bros. Barty Crouch Jr. is a key character in the books, but he only shows up for a few minutes in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He was still part of the Death Eaters ...
Theories have also surfaced that there are plans to create future, additional Harry Potter projects (with many hoping a Marauders series is part of the package). Credit: Warner Bros. We have no ...