She, with heroic chastity, faces down the animals and gladiators, and finally, after being tormented by several animals, a young gladiator ... who's the first Christian martyr?
Portrait of Saint Agatha, by Cariani, 1517, Oil on canvas © National Galleries, Scotland. Source: Christian Art. Gospel of 5 ...
Saint Agnes is known as a martyr and patroness of purity, young girls, and engaged couples. She was a young Christian from a noble family who made a vow of consecration to God, rejecting marriage.
Akash Bashir was a young Pakistani Salesian who sacrificed his life in 2015 to prevent a terrorist attack at his church.
She, with heroic chastity, faces down the animals and gladiators, and finally, after being tormented by several animals, a young gladiator ... who's the first Christian martyr?