Greatly increased penalties, including up to 25 years' imprisonment for espionage, have been put into Rhodesia's proposed new Official Secrets Act, published with the Government Gazette yesterday.
Zimbabwe’s ruling party says it will initiate steps to amend the constitution so President Emmerson Mnangagwa can run for a ...
There has been extensive research to understand bullying in Zimbabwe. In one study on the subject, education Professor Fred Zindi writes that he was prompted to investigate bullying. This followed the ...
Trump announced in an Executive Order yesterday that the US would institute a 90-day pause in foreign development assistance ...
Spread This NewsBy Staff Reporter ZANU PF politburo member Ziyambi Ziyambi has jumped to President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ...
Zimbabwe recently legislated new requirements for fuel in transit. Traders moving fuel in transit are now required to provisionally pay the duty and levies as if the fuel is imported for consumption; ...
He cites the renovation of Entebbe Airport, Uganda’s only international airport, for which he says a private contractor ...
Zimbabwe's sugar tax raises millions, but questions linger about its use, while economic woes lead to layoffs.
President Donald Trump’s decision to halt the global power’s donor funding for 90 days pending policy review could ...
US President Donald Trump's decision to halt foreign development assistance for 90 days pending a policy review may have significant consequences for several ...
Zimbabwe is a colony once again!It is time for Zimbabweans to confront the uncomfortable reality of Chinese exploitation in the country. Recent incidents have ...
All change champions must understand what it means to be a change champion. Without this understanding, Zimbabwe faces two ...