Dragon Ball Daima’s twelfth episode was one of the biggest installments of the anime series to date. Alongside two of the Tamagami being defeated by the Z-Fighters and Dr. Anisu’s new Majin servants, ...
Dragon Ball Daima Episode #13 will see Goku and Vegeta dealing with some massive creatures that aren't as cuddly as they look ...
Majin Kuu and Majin Duu's opposing strengths in Dragon Ball Daima create the potential for a fusion that could become the series' next greatest threat ...
Dragon Ball DAIMA has been a wild ride as Goku and friends travel through the Demon Realm, and the series continues to fill ...
Jason Peña, now 14, was shot in the head on a highway in the state of Durango, a family spokeswoman said. His father and uncle, both U.S. citizens, and a Mexican relative were also killed. By ...
Happy Birthday to singer-songwriter-guitarist Stephen Stills who turns 80 years old today. He partnered with Neil Young in the 1967 band Buffalo Springfield, and ...
TUI Cruises is planning a special naming ceremony for its new Mein Schiff Relax with two ships as godmothers and a Robbie Williams performance.