As expenses continue to increase, many Americans turn to credit cards to help bridge the gap. However, credit cards have one of the highest interest rates of any consumer lending product, sometimes ...
Fewer Americans see Biden as a great or good president than they did of President-elect Donald Trump, according to new poll ...
The Daniels case is just the tip of the iceberg. Trump's alleged retention of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago would have ...
America should have more aggressively intervened almost a year ago.
In our 36-country survey, we asked respondents how large a problem various types of inequality are in their nation, including ...
We did it, America! We finally put a convicted felon in the White House. Donald Trump was sentenced Friday for falsifying ...
With more than 133 million poultry birds affected by avian influenza across the U.S., some states are experiencing egg shortages.
TikTok v. Garland -- pits one of the world's most popular social media platforms against all three branches of the U.S. government, which have aligned over the idea that the app poses a serious risk ...
Literature is full of reminders that long odds can sometimes be surmounted.
As wildfires rage in California, Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration has offered help to the Golden State. “We immediately offered assistance,” DeSantis said on “Fox & Friends.” ...
The aging population of the United States has lured many companies into elder care, but at what cost to the elderly?
The Supreme Court will hear arguments Friday on a law that could ban new downloads or updates of TikTok in the U.S.