Learn how to protect yourself from credit card skimmers with these 7 essential tips. Discover how to spot skimmers, safeguard ...
Do you know how to spot a credit card skimmer? It's a crime that has so many of us on alert in order to protect our money.
Across the U.S., thieves are installing skimmer devices at gas pumps and ATMs, making off with more than a billion dollars a year. With just a single purchase, scammers can steal your card number and ...
One of the men arrested for a card skimming scam in Marshalltown is now charged with the same crime in Newton. Police say 30-year-old Yohannis Bacardi-Bague stole credit card information from multiple ...
The department applied for and was approved for a $470 grant from the Goodland Lions Club. The funds were used to purchase a Skim Scan device. Built by Berkley Varitronics Systems, the device can ...
According to the FBI, skimmers at gas pumps and ATMs cost people and financial institutions about $1 billion a year.
Hundreds of people were impacted by a scam involving ATMs and card skimmers, according to Taylorsville Police.
He said skimmers typically cover the card slot and sometimes the keypad ... get out there and be aware of what's going on with your credit," Karzin said. Bank apps can send an alert if they ...
GOODLAND, Kan. (KSNW) — The Goodland Police Department has a new tool to prevent credit and debit card fraud. The skimmers have been found in Goodland several times in the past. As thieves get ...
The South African Banking Risk Information Centre (SABRIC) corroborates these concerns, reporting that card fraud remains a ...