Bollywood’s actor, Akshay Kumar, recently opened up about his relentless work ethic and why he continues to deliver back-to-back films. In an exclusive hangout session with Bollywood Hungama ...
Overall Oscars Commentary (Updated Jan. 21, 2025): Against the backdrop of devastating wildfires that ravaged southern California, the 97th Academy Awards are poised to announce their nominations.
Revealing interviews, the latest action and the game's biggest and most gripping stories. Football Focus is on BBC iPlayer for 7 days from midnight on the day it's broadcast. We always aim to ...
Other features are standard for Windows Phone 7, including XBox Live gaming, Zune music player, 1 GHz processor, 5-megapixel camera with HD video capture, multi-touch screen, FM radio and Wi-Fi.
Themes covered in the magazine also include pharmaceutical packaging and counterfeit issues. Pharma Technology Focus features in-depth coverage of the latest breakthroughs in the research and ...