The day my son and his girlfriend told me they were expecting was not my proudest moment. At 23, they had the right to their ...
We are a reader-supported site and receive compensation from purchases made through these links. See more about our Privacy and Affiliate policies here. Valentine’s ...
How can we normalize “failing” for our teens? Is there a way for these “failing” teens to feel something other than complete defeat, shame, or humiliation for doing something that every successful ...
We are a reader-supported site and receive compensation from purchases made through these links. See more about our Privacy and Affiliate policies here. Valentine’s ...
My teens are driving me crazy and I don’t even feel like I need to start that sentence with an, “I love my teens but,…” they are just driving me nuts, period. My teens have habits that drive me crazy.
When my oldest daughter left for college, I was prepared to say goodbye. I had read several pieces of advice from seasoned parents about the significance of the drop-off day, and I had my speech ...
I was in the craft store the other day and came across a display of those ceramic, table top, light-up Christmas trees. I almost had a nostalgic meltdown right there in the holiday decor aisle. Those ...
Holidays are a beautiful magical time of celebration and family. Except when they are not. Holidays can seem a bit less magical when your teen or young adult child stops listening for reindeer on the ...
A few years ago, right around the holidays, Saturday Night Live debuted a sketch that went viral and made my blood boil. In the bit, a family wakes on Christmas morning and begins to sing about their ...
I remember the Christmas of 1985 like no other — that was the year my sisters and I got Cabbage Patch dolls. Seeing those large rectangle boxes under the tree as we were making our way down the green ...
December brings talk of college football playoffs and the start of basketball season. The Thanksgiving holiday might have included a visit home from your college student, and that can be a terrific ...
You’ve been dreaming of this moment since you dropped them off in August — the sweet reunion of your baby returning home from college for the holidays. But before your vision of a fairy tale ...