EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Readings: Wisdom 7:7-11 / Heb 4:12-13 / Psalms 90:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 / Mark 10:17-30 (or Mark ...
After 12 years of fighting for their land in al-Makhrour near Bethlehem, the Kisiya family was evicted on July 31 by the Israeli army and settlers. These Palestinian Christians now rely on non ...
Is the Synod on Synodality the most important moment for the church since the Second Vatican Council, as one high-ranking Vatican source believes? I’d love to tell you I know exactly what was in ...
Traditional Latin Mass celebrated by a priest of the Priestly Fraternity of st. Peter in Zagreb, Croatia. (Photo: Servus Tuus/Wikimedia Commons) The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP), the ...
A group of Israeli settlers prepare to set up a residential caravan at al-Makhrour area in Beit Jala, near the West Bank city of Bethlehem, 3 September 2019. (Photo by ABED AL HASHLAMOUN/EPA ...
Since ancient times, the vine has been a cornerstone of agriculture in Mediterranean countries. To produce grapes, this plant requires regular care and labor. It also needs to be protected by a ...
A columnist is generally someone who expresses their personal opinion in a space reserved for them by a media outlet, while a journalist’s goal is to gather and disseminate factual information ...
Le pape François s’apprête à recevoir, vendredi 11octobre, le président ukrainien, Volodymyr Zelensky, au Vatican. Plusieurs ...
Un nouveau règlement mettant fin à l’interdiction des signes religieux à l’école a été publié par les autorités de Dakar. Il ...
La hausse de température des océans augmente la proportion des cyclones les plus intenses dans l’Atlantique nord et ...
The rise in ocean temperatures increased the proportion of the most intense hurricanes in the North Atlantic and intensified the rainfall caused by these phenomena.
«Le vrai problème de l’Afrique aujourd’hui se pose au niveau de l’éducation», assure Alain Hounyo, le nouveau président du ...