Fidesz secured a landslide victory with two-thirds of the votes at the by-election in Tolna.
However, based on all of this, there is definitely a clear loser in Sunday’s election, which – perhaps needless to say – is ...
Shootings and bombings occur regularly, and gangs frequently recruit minors to commit serious crimes, including murders.
Gyorgy Rasko, who recently dwelled about the death of hundreds of thousands, celebrated before Hungary's EU accession that ...
A poster depicting naked people, including transgender people, was displayed in the corridor of the ORF kindergarten, the ...
Those belonging to the leftist-liberal circles left behind by Pressman may still make their voices heard in 2026.
I has a phone consultation with my long-time colleague and friend, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), FM Peter Szijjarto wrote on social media.
Mint arról lapunk korábban beszámolt, f olytatódik az Egészéges Budapest program: a kormány döntésének értelmében 7,7 ...
Korábban George Simion, az ellenzéki, ultranacionalista Románok Egyesüléséért Szövetség elnöke azért nevezte „etnikai ...
Korábban a katasztrófavédelem azt közölte, hogy a baleset a X. kerületi TéglavetÅ‘ utca közelében történt. A fÅ‘városi ...
Kedden derült, napos idÅ‘ várható, majd estétÅ‘l észak felÅ‘l elkezd fátyolfelhÅ‘södni az ég. Az északi, északkeleti szél ...