La Loi canadienne sur l'accessibilité (la Loi) a pour objectif de faire du Canada un pays sans obstacle d'ici à 2040. En vertu de cette Loi, les entités sous réglementation fédérale, y compris le ...
In 2023-24, total actual spending (including internal services) for the NRC was $1,525,980,654 and total full-time equivalent staff (including internal services) was 4,323.2. For complete information ...
We are experts in quantum physics, materials sciences, photonics, electronics, device design and nano engineering.
Recent research shows that, if given the choice, nearly all older Canadians would prefer to age in place within their own homes and communities. The Aging in Place Challenge program aims to support ...
Our vision is to create a better Canada and world through excellence in research and innovation. Pursuing excellence in all that we do allows us to have the greatest impact possible, and to further ...
As part of the new national Platform to Decarbonize the Construction Sector at Scale, led by the Construction Research Centre, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) has developed the ...
En collaborant, les gouvernements du Canada et de l'Autriche visent à encourager et à soutenir les projets de collaboration en matière de recherche‑développement (R‑D) industrielle ayant un fort ...