Prospective dog owners take lots of factors into account before deciding on a dog breed. Important considerations include the size of the dog, the size of your home, whether or not you have kids and ...
Rainforests are dense forests in tropical regions inhabited by a variety of unusual species you won't find anywhere else on the planet. The warm, humid environment is the perfect habitat for a ...
Everyone who owns a dog believes that their pup is the cutest, and they're right. That's because appearances are subjective, so in their own way, each dog truly is the cutest. But beauty is in the eye ...
While mixing dog breeds can potentially bring together the best of each parent breed, the truth is you never know how things will shake out. With pure breeds, their characteristics are pretty ...
There are two types of people in this world: those who love snakes and those who are terrified of them. There’s no in-between. While their likability may be up for grabs, there’s no denying that ...
Cats are known for always landing on their feet, but that doesn't mean every breed is athletically inclined. Just like a pug is no match for a German shepherd, a pampered Persian is more related to a ...
We get so much from having pets — everything from unconditional love to a greater understanding of the natural world. But pets also can complicate our lives, and even those that are considered ...
Knowing what foods and household items are dangerous for dogs to eat can make the difference between life and death for pets. Dogs will eat just about anything we put in front of them, but they will ...
Everyone loves puppies — they're adorable and entertaining. However, before buying or rescuing one, there are several factors you'll need to take into consideration. Is the timing good for you ...
Puppies and kids go together like ice cream and chocolate sauce, most of the time. Set yourself up for success with these tips on how to raise puppies and kids together. It always seems like a great ...
People have strong opinions about dogs and cats. They often are described as oil and water, with drastically different personalities. But we're going to level with you — that's just not true. Cats ...
If you crossed a hedgehog with a fish, you'd get a puffer fish. This majestic, inflatable sea beast is one of the most unusual aquatic animals ever, with a unique set of defense mechanisms that put ...