After a day with lots of rain, followed by one with none at all, today’s forecast was for sunshine and showers. We decided on another walk, with the possibility of a couple of small museums for ...
From beachside at Wallaroo in South Australia to bushland in Heathcote, Victoria took us via a few ports and camping at World's End and Lake Lascelles. We left our little spot in Wallaroo on Monday to ...
I've spent almost my entire life living on the east coast of the United States and I can safely say the vast majority of people in that region have no interest whatsoever in anything that goes on ...
En route we stopped at the North End Organic nursery. It was a great place with a massive variety of plants and seeds from local growers. The nearest equivalent at home would be Riverside garden ...
We had attended the Honey Fair last year and decided to attend it this year as well. This year, the organizers of the event decided to name it a festival, not a fair, since everything connected with ...
The boys were in rough shape for our 3 days in Rome. They seemed to have gotten a combination of the tummy bug Bill ended up with during our last 2 days in Cape Town and touch of something respiratory ...
We woke up bright and early in Lucca Tuesday morning and bought some chocolate cornetti for the kids at one of the cafes on Piazza dell'Anfiteatro. We hoped to find something for ourselves in the ...
After the final Saturday market around Parma we didn't have any stops to make before Cinque Terre. We took the E33 highway most of the way and then a series of smaller roads to our agriturismo. The ...
On Monday we left Krakow by train and headed to Warsaw. The trains had been busier than we were expecting and we ended up having to book first class to get on. We took a slower train that was meant to ...
When Peter woke up next day, he wasn't feeling well. I think the heat and all the problems of the day before had made him quite ill. This was the only hotel on our stay where we had breakfast included ...
This post by andreottifamily has been reported by one of our Respected Members or Travel Gurus. This is most likely because it broke the forum rules, which it could've done by being a promotional post ...
Yesterday we got together to celebrate Yang's birthday in Causeway Bay. I went across to Hong Kong Island earlier, because I wanted to pick up some medicine for Peter. I was expecting to have to wait ...