After hours of testimony Tuesday, the Senate Committee on Education advanced Senate Bill 2, a school voucher bill, setting it ...
There's also about $6.5 billion in additional money for property tax relief on top of what was passed two years ago. That may ...
Jillian Rae testified at the Texas Capitol on Thursday, advocating for school choice and the ACE Scholarship program, which ...
Senate Bill 2 starts a new debate on a school voucher program in Texas. A funding proposal would allow up to 100,000 K-12 ...
A fiscal note for SB 2 from the Texas Senate said the legislation would allow about 35,000 students to attend private school ...
Senator Royce West also responded to President Trump’s allegation that DEI played a role in the American Airlines crash at ...
Lt.Gov. Dan Patrick named school choice, property tax cuts, religion in schools and banning hemp-derived THC products among ...
A proposal to create a school voucher-like plan for Texas was advanced by the Texas Senate Education Committee on Tuesday ...