Lost in New York" is a John Hughes and Chris Columbus collaboration following the first "Home Alone" movie, which took place ...
"Angels With Filthy Souls" was made for "Home Alone."20th Century Fox Throughout "Home Alone," Kevin watches a black-and-white film called "Angels With Filthy Souls" and later uses it as part of ...
It's a battle of Spidey-sense versus thermal vision in this brutal new 2025 miniseries brought to use by Benjamin Percy and ...
20th Century Fox Television, which can trace its roots back to 1949, has been home to some of TV's most famous shows including the original Batman series, M*A*S*H and The Simpsons. Earlier this ...
In December 1933, five-year-old Shirley Temple signed with a nearly-bankrupt Fox Studios. In History looks back at how she revived the studio's fortunes – and became a superstar.
It’s been over half a decade since 20th Century Fox revealed its plans to reboot Buffy the Vampire Slayer. While there hasn’t been much of it since then, it was only a few years later that ...