Mercury is nobody's favorite planet. Our star's closest companion ... let's assume you want the essentials: a full set of diamond armor and a sword, axe, and pickaxe. Mercury would provide you ...
A once-massive star that’s been transformed into a small planet made of diamond: that is what University of Manchester astronomers think they’ve found in the Milky Way. The discovery has been made by ...
With temperatures soaring to 2,400°C, its interior may consist largely of diamond, thanks to its carbon ... making this planet a deadly place with horizontal glass rain. A new study suggests ...
Scientists are interested in depositing diamond dust into the atmosphere in order to reflect sunlight and cool down the planet. Though using diamond could be more effective and safer than using ...
Thanks to startling advances in industrial engineering, we can now synthetically re-create colossal geological forces to shape our ultimate destiny on this planet. It’s gratuitous and extreme ...