Aches and pains. Pain (think: body aches and a sore throat) is also a tip off that you’re dealing with a virus like a cold.
It can be difficult to tell the difference between a cold, a bacterial sinus infection, and allergies. Getting a stuffy nose ...
Allergy season is on its way—but, confusingly, it’s also still very much cold season. If you have a runny nose or scratchy throat, deciphering between allergies vs cold symptoms can be a challenge.
Raleigh’s winters are warming, with snowfall down 36% in 30 years. Despite recent storms, fewer cold nights and more mixed precipitation signal a shift toward shorter, milder winters.
To keep the littlest lungs healthy during the coldest temperatures, it’s important for parents to know what to look for and ...
Given the lack of rain across South Central Texas, this has led to less pollen. According to Dr. Erika Gonzalez with STAAMP ...
Do you blow your nose so hard that your head starts reeling Doing that will simply exacerbate your symptoms Read on to know ...
Cases of flu-like illnesses and viral infections have been on the rise in the city in recent weeks, with recovery periods ...
Here are the 7 secret signs you could be suffering from allergy.