Set in the 1920s, the Indian-telugu language movie follows the unlikely friendship between two Indian freedom fighters, Alluri Sitarama Raju (Ram Charan) and Komaram Bheem (N.T. Rama Rao Jr.), who ...
SS Rajamouli's 'RRR' narrates a fictional tale based on the lives of two freedom fighters in the early 20th century — Alluri Sitarama Raju and Kumram Bheem, played by Ram Charan and NT Rama Rao ...
When is Alluri Sita Rama Raju Jayanthi in 2025? Know about Alluri Sita Rama Raju Jayanthi and the day and date on which Alluri Sita Rama Raju Jayanthi falls this year. Information about holidays and ...
West Godavari District Collector Chadalavada Nagarani on Monday inaugurated a musical water fountain at the Alluri Sitarama Raju Memorial Park in Bhimavaram town. On July 4, 2022, the life-size ...