This repository holds code for training and playing against replicas of Deep Mind's AlphaGo Zero bot, using a 13x13 Go board. Go is the world's oldest continuously played board game, and it has served ...
I have obtained the best results by showing to the network input all the possible states of the game-matrix in the next 2 steps (I have got this intuition from the Monte Carlo Tree Search method used ...
Google-developed AI program AlphaGo defeated top-ranked go player Lee Se-dol of Korea in their fifth and final game in Seoul, Tuesday, which ran neck-and-neck for five hours. Lee lost after 280 ...
John von Neumann while the third examines a five-game Go match between a program developed by DeepMind, the AlphaGo, and Lee Sedol, the superstar Go player from Korea. This last part is a deep ...