DC Comics is home to countless heroes and villains; however, these female villains from the franchise stand out as iconic.
Gunn’s Elseworlds initiative brings bold, standalone DC stories to life but faces the challenge of balancing fan excitement ...
The Brave and the Bold will stand out from the vibe that The Batman franchise is giving off by exploring members of the Bat-Family, i.e. Batman’s closest allies in his war against crime, most of whom ...
The DCU, despite only having one project in the can, has already built up an amazing amount of hype. DC is riding a wave of ...
Throughout the superhero genre, there have been a select few movies whose Rotten Tomatoes score is confusingly low in terms ...
If you’re more into The Dark Knight, The Folio Society has published a similar collection starring Batman. DC: Batman ...
It may have started off as a daring experiment involving the connection of different superhero movies, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe has evolved from a popular franchise into more of a force of ...
Ultimate beats Absolute for the first time in the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List, but only just...is this a blip?