The social and racial divide along the Panama Canal zone in its American heyday was stark: a silver and gold, segregated ...
Therefore, Ethiopia is considered to be the oldest independent country in Africa, and one of the most ancient in the world.
Stability is a prerequisite for the economic growth Egypt desperately needs and is trying to achieve through regional ...
Trump does not want to start his presidency with “the Middle East headache” because he has other foreign policy priorities, and“ending the Israeli war on Gaza is a prerequisite for stability in the ...
The uneasy relationship between upstate towns and NYC goes back more than a century and includes eminent domain, heavy ...
Behind the Kremlin’s insistence on fighting to save the Russian ‘soul’ of a western-drifting Ukraine, there are crude practical benefits from seizing the territory where today’s fighting is worst, wri ...
In 1940, at the height of World War II, Italy invaded Egypt from its colony in Libya. The region later fell under the power ...
The region later fell under the power of the Axis forces in 1941, threatening strategic assets in the Middle East like the Suez Canal and Persian ... structures from the Battle of El-Alamein.