as the Modi Cabinet has cleared the recommendations of a high-level committee chaired by Ram Nath Kovind. In conversation with Republic TV's Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami, Salve said, "If a House ...
New Delhi: Former Solicitor General, Senior Advocate in Supreme Court and King's Counsel Harish Salve speaks on ‘One Nation, One Election’ in an exclusive conversation with Republic Media Network’s ...
ROSÉ and Bruno Mars challenging to de-throne Gracie at Number 1 ...
Listen to the featured story from this episode.
Listen to the featured story from this episode.
In Damascus, people stood shoulder to shoulder at one of Syria's holiest sites, the Umayyad Mosque, in the first Friday prayers since Bashar al-Assad was overthrown less than a week ago.
Listen to the lead story from this episode.
If successful, Trump's move would install a loyalist at the helm of the network. A U.S. judge found Trump appointees illegally violated Voice of America's journalistic independence in his first term.