The Bengali film Khadaan, starring Dev and Jissu Sengupta, is doing wonders at the box office. Check out the full report.
Smartphones, electric vehicles and wind turbines rely on environmentally destructive rare earth mining operations. Harnessing ...
A coal mine is an unexpected place for a country concert, and one song Anthony sang is pretty surprising, too. He covered Blake Shelton 's 2001 hit "Ol' Red," giving the coal miners a chilling live ...
A team of engineers at the University of Kentucky, in collaboration with researchers at other universities, will work on a ...
Currently, 25 states have coal mining operations in place. The term “coal stock” refers to any company involved in coal mining, processing or burning. A company with a coal stock might be ...
If your garden railroad is set in the steam or steam-to-diesel transition era, it’s going to need a coal tower. When I ...
There is conclusive evidence that CO2 generated by human behavior is causing climate change, according to researchers. Whether or not new coal plants are under construction is a question of national ...
Mining has played an important role in shaping Idaho, but the Idaho Conservation League is working to raise awareness about ...
Environmental groups have some issues with a resolution being voted on at the state capitol today. They worry a coal mine ...
Mining is the process of adding and validating transaction records on the Bitcoin public blockchain ledger while securing uptime for the network. This is how the network persists without relying ...
2-Year U.S. Treasury Note Continuous Contract $102.727-0.020-0.02% 5-Year U.S. Treasury Note Continuous Contract $106.125-0.094-0.09% 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Continuous Contract $108.453-0.188 ...
Bitcoin mining involves solving complex mathematical puzzles, validating transactions and securing the network. Miners compete to find the correct hash, adding new blocks to the blockchain and ...