The Bengali film Khadaan, starring Dev and Jissu Sengupta, is doing wonders at the box office. Check out the full report.
A giant salamander typically found in central Appalachia called the hellbender is on the way to being endangered. The bizarre ...
Despite reviewing well, The Lost Crown reportedly underperformed in the sales department (which is probably why it’s been on ...
There’s all sorts to do in the museum which is a half an hour drive from Cardiff, just outside of Newport, including ...
Cute idea (though things may be changing for ... said Bowe. Unless you work in a coal mine, you should be able to remove any dirt, pollution, or other detritus from your face using only your ...
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek attempted to greenwash Labor’s environmental record by falsely claiming not to have ...
Opening a new coal mine in one of the world’s most developed countries was always going to be highly controversial, in the context of net zero targets and the carbon-cutting consensus.
AKABIRA, Hokkaido -- A former coal mine here that was closed in 1994 is still attracting visitors aspiring to see the rare sight of a shaft mouth. A shaft tower, which stands out with its striking ...
As Russia's army advances on coal mines powering Ukraine and its steel industry, women in a small coal town adjust to new roles as miners. They've replaced men who're now fighting on the frontlines.
OAK GROVE, Ala.—For what may be the first time in its history, the Alabama Surface Mining Commission, charged with regulating the surface impacts of underground coal mining in the state ...
A coal mine is an unexpected place for a country concert, and one song Anthony sang is pretty surprising, too. He covered Blake Shelton 's 2001 hit "Ol' Red," giving the coal miners a chilling live ...
A large expansion of a massive thermal coal mine near Hinton, Alta., has been given the go-ahead by the federal government, without a federal impact assessment. The Impact Assessment Agency of ...