Dear Enough: Take a page out of Blair’s playbook. When she calls or texts, take a long time to respond. When she wants to get together, be too busy. If she asks you if there is a reason for the change ...
Harriette Cole is a lifestylist and founder of DREAMLEAPERS, an initiative to help people access and activate their dreams.
“Anna” is my daughter’s best friend. They do everything together. My work schedule gives me the ability to drop them off every morning at school, and since I work from home, they both usually come to ...
My husband and I have been retired for three years and recently moved away from our kids. Between us, we have six children, ...
It would be wise of your sister to talk with her son about getting a job, paying rent to her, and discussing with him his ...
My family has now blocked me on social media, on the phone and on email. Before they did it, they told me I’m mentally ...
Tributes have poured online after the sudden death of popular mother-of-two Sarah Reid from Banbridge while on holiday to New York.
I’m hurt and angered by the shunning I’m experiencing from my family because they disapprove of my incarcerated fiance. I’m in my 60s, and I have worked for ...
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA ...
Letter writer wants to talk about movies without offending friends with different tastes. Dear Miss Manners: How do I talk about my preferences for the art I consume without demeaning others’ tastes ...
Dear Tree Learning Center and Art Studio celebrated its third anniversary on Saturday with an afternoon exhibit showcasing the diverse works of its students at the studio on Farenholt Road in ...
Early in December, I began to notice a strong smell of urine in the bathroom whenever I would get into the shower right after ...