An update to the official version of Classic DOOM adds support for using mods in multiplayer to the legendary title.
Where classic Doom could feel downright abstract even ... fiery winged bruiser that fits in between the Hell Knight and Baron Of Hell, and the final stretch introduces Tyrants—lesser cyberdemons ...
Bethesda was wrong to disown this; it may be the best Doom movie we ever get. Stream Doom: Annihilation on October 1. Follow me on Twitter.
Now that it's out in the wild and has been shown off in great detail, here's a closer look at everything we know about Doom: The Dark Ages so far. All hell is about to break loose on Argent D'Nur.
Doom: The Dark Ages is coming to the PS5, Xbox, and PC when it launches in May.
“I've had a lot of experience in these gallery spaces and it always felt like this vague form of superficial hell to me,” Filippo Meozzi, director and producer of Doom: The Gallery ...
IDsoftware gave us a short hands-off preview of the upcoming DOOM: The Dark Ages titles, which promises to be the best version of DOOM yet.