The cheapest rents in the country are Saskatoon ($1,220 and $1,440), Regina ($1,270 and $1,440), Edmonton ($1,380 and $1,680), Winnipeg ($1,400 and $1,800) and Quebec City ($1,400 and $1,840).
The bond for Granny Flat/37 Highland Avenue, Bankstown is $1840. How many bedrooms does Granny Flat/37 Highland Avenue, Bankstown have? Granny Flat/37 Highland Avenue, Bankstown is a 2 bedroom ...
Given the current conversion rates, this translates roughly into a range of about $1,350 to $1,840. This elevated pricing indicates a premium of more than 35% above the baseline RRP provided by ...
How much is the rental bond for 62 Whitfield Street, Beachlands? The bond for 62 Whitfield Street, Beachlands is $1840. To enquire about specific property features for 62 Whitfield Street ...