Is there only one optimal configuration an organism can reach during evolution? Is there a single formula that describes the trajectory towards the optimum? And can we 'derive' it in a purely ...
Scientists found that fruit fly embryos can develop through multiple genetic paths, not just one. This challenges traditional ideas.
Evolution might allow for multiple optimal solutions, depending on the constraints and conditions under which an organism ... Information Processing in Biological Systems research group at ISTA ...
New study reveals that TLE6 protein deficiency causes male infertility in mice. These findings suggest potential genetic ...
By combining observations of embryonic development, advanced microscopy techniques ... The Geneva team used this data to build a three-dimensional (3D) computer model that allows for varying the ...
More than half of the human genome is made up of thousands of remnants of ancient viral DNA, known as transposable elements, which are pervasive across the tree of life.
A research group led by Wei Li at the Chinese Academy of Sciences has created mice born from two male parents and capable of ...
Niger is the first African country and fifth in the world to eliminate onchocerciasis, also known as 'river blindness', a ...
Hidden within our bones, marrow sustains life by producing billions of blood cells daily, from oxygen-carrying red cells to immune-boosting white cells.