One of the most enduring myths today about the Council of Nicaea is that the council members voted on which books to include in the Bible ... expanded to include Emperor Constantine as some ...
Passing over 14 centuries of religious intolerance and persecution, as Vice President JD Vance did in a recent speech, in ...
The Byzantine Empire survived for a thousand years and can be traced way back to A.D. 330, when the Roman emperor Constantine I dedicated ... and comes from the bible (Deuteronomy 28:6).
Don Trump, current temporary occupant of the elective office of President of the United States, has issued an Executive Order ...
According to this verse in the Bible, at least some of the disciples ... in the fourth century by claiming collusion with Emperor Constantine; however, we have no need to rely on Eusebius.
In the 300s, the emperor Constantine I converted to Christianity ... an amphora (an ancient jug) and the Bible verse. The mosaic contains clusters of small stones. Emil Aladjem / Israel ...
The Reformation split the Church into Catholic and Protestant factions, creating two roads to salvation - both of which claimed to be true. So it was very important to people that the Scottish state ...
He interpreted the Bible as the literal word of God ... David and Solomon, or as the Roman Emperor Constantine - the Church's great benefactor who had released Christianity from persecution.
The Bible always outranks the confessions as such a witness ... Ostling also explains that "the Roman Emperor Constantine I, a.k.a. Constantine the Great (272? – 337), issued the summons for bishops ...