Shortfin makos are the fastest sharks in the sea, but they're failing to outpace the scale of overfishing that is driving ...
More than 1,600 animals and plants are protected, or “listed,” as endangered ... process used to list species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — the agency that’s mostly in charge of carrying out ...
The Atlantic humpback dolphin (Sousa teuszii) is among the poorest understood oceanic mammals. There is a lack of historical ...
These species need strong conservation policy to save them from extinction. They won’t get it for the next four years.
Environmental groups concerned about loss of protections for vanishing animals see one of President Donald Trump’s early ...
Hundreds of turtles found dead off Mexico 'Punk turtle', put on endangered species list Sliced' sea turtle found dead on Singapore beach The species is considered to be facing a high risk of ...
Following today’s decision the government will open a public comment period on sunflower sea star protection. The Endangered Species Act requires the National Marine Fisheries Service to decide ...
The green sea turtle is an endangered species under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources' Order No. 2019-09, or the Updated National List of Threatened Fauna and their Categories.