Offers like this are usually employment scams. They may not always look like this, but job scams in general aim to coerce you into spending money you'll never get back or trick you into giving up ...
The Internal Revenue Service is making some changes this tax season in an effort to combat tax scams in areas like the Fuel Tax Credit.
If you're online, you're at risk. We spoke to three security experts about what you can do to protect yourself.
While disasters can lead scammers to take advantage of vulnerable groups by impersonating representatives from relief and ...
During disasters such as the LA wildfires scammers often emerge to prey on victims. People in heightened emotional states in ...
Clarice Weimer’s story starts with a situation many folks have experienced and ends with the loss of her life savings.
Of course, the MHA application form they sent consumers excluded the page that ... Nine years after a foreclosure relief scam ...
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has filed a lawsuit against Evoke Wellness, LLC, Evoke Health Care Management, and their ...
Fortnite players and parents have until Friday, Jan. 10 to file a refund with the FTC as part of a $245 million settlement.