The other problem is that if your thyroid gland doesn’t work well, the intricacy of interaction with other organs and glands will falter as well. This is one reason why the GI (gastrointestinal) tract ...
The fluoride controversy, where advocates and opponents argue in the media, is a distraction because the views of real and ...
UB dental researcher Marcelle Nascimento talks with UBNow about critical need for fluoride for all ages, especially in ...
I’ve reported about oral care for five years, so I talk to dentists at least once or twice a week. Regardless of what topic ...
Experts have claimed that there's no need to spend money on expensive mouthwashes, as you could have a cheap and natural ...
Saltwater has been proven to work as a good antiseptic solution, drawing out infection and reducing inflammation in the mouth ...
The issue of adding fluoride to our drinking water is considered a contentious one, and while it seems that most people are ...
Marcelle Nascimento focuses on critical need of fluoride for all ages, especially in underserved communities, and science ...
“Water fluoridation and 1000 ppm fluoride toothpaste are essential to protect children’s teeth. Without this children are left at severe risk of preventable decay, especially those with ...