Penerbit Buku Kompas meluncurkan buku karya Mantan Ketua Panitia Ad Hoc (PAH) I Badan Pekerja MPR Jakob Tobing - Halaman all ...
Ketimpangan hasil pendidikan di Indonesia sebagian besar disebabkan oleh kurangnya perhatian terhadap kualitas buku teks dan metode pembelajaran, meskipun keduanya merupakan elemen kunci dalam ...
And so it ended for special counsel Jack Smith: Not with the glorious sunset ride of a conquering hero his supporters had hoped for, but a 24-word footnote indicating he had “separated from the ...
BACA JUGA: Buku Pilihan Bazaar: The Most Famous Girl in the World oleh Iman Hariri-Kia Tahun ini juga menyuguhkan debut-debut yang memukau, seperti Great Black Hope karya Rob Franklin yang menghibur ...
When maths and law Yale-NUS student Ryan Tan got into Singapore’s first liberal arts college in 2021 he was thrilled to start classes, but his excitement was short-lived when the college ...
After a promising first three quarters of the year, on the surface, the secondaries market fell short of another record fundraising year in 2024. Secondaries funds collected about $97.5 billion in ...
Sarah Burris is a long-time veteran of political campaigns, having worked as a fundraiser and media director across the United States. She transitioned into reporting while working for Rock the ...
Buku besar akuntansi perusahaan dagang adalah sebuah ringkasan transaksi suatu jenis akun yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan dagang. Ringkasan ini dibuat dalam proses penyusunan Laporan Laba Rugi (Income ...
David joined Raw Story in 2023 after nearly a decade of writing about the legal industry for Bloomberg Law. He is also a co-founder and a commissioning editor at Hypatia Press, a publisher that ... - Sertifikat tanah elektronik memiliki bentuk berbeda daripada sertifikat tanah analog yang terbuat dalam lembaran seperti buku dengan sampul berwarna hijau. Selain berbentuk digital, ...