Live and Timothée Chalamet torch President Trump's first week in office as Lin-Manuel Miranda and Adam Sandler cameo in the ...
In his free time, he cooks, loves to sleep, and finds great enjoyment in Detroit sports. If you have any stories, tips, ...
It might be easier to think in terms of breeds of dogs. There are some breeds that are temperamental, unreliable, and so on. One might then regard such a breed in a somewhat less favorable light than ...
"With its new name, Danish-Swedish Farmdog, this funny little dog is one of the newest of the national breeds in Denmark and Sweden, although it has been proven that its ancestors go far back in ...
Secondly, you don't need to like them to laugh at these memes anyway!
Even though they were discussing the fires in Los Angeles, Fox host John Roberts and reporter William Lajeunesse proved themselves to be not so bright themselves (emphasis mine): ROBERTS: So William, ...
“We were fine [in the first half]. Once they turned it up a little bit in the second [half], we played stupid and we just gave some possessions away,” he admitted. “And once you start giving ...
That was stupid and unhelpful. For a president-elect and elected leaders who protect him, it should be deeply embarrassing. Trump has made stupidity acceptable. It shouldn't be. When Greene ...