In 1997, Seinfeld gave the world "Festivus," a unique holiday introduced by George Costanza's father, Frank. With its slogan, "A Festivus for the rest of us!" the celebration was created as an ...
Frank Costanza, the surly father to Seinfeld character George Costanza, was on to something when he came up with a Festivus for the rest of us. Yes, the pole and the feats of strength are out ...
Comedian Jerry Stiller, best known for his recurring role as George Costanza's father on TV's Seinfeld, has died aged 92, his actor son Ben has confirmed. "I'm sad to say that my father passed ...
Frank Costanza declares. Here's what to know about the secular holiday. As a card sent to him by his father reminded George in the 1997 episode, Festivus comes every Dec. 23. In real life ...