Police in a small German town found a four-year-old girl asleep at the entrance to a kindergarten. The girl, who snuck out of her parents' home without them noticing, wanted to be the first to ...
National Highways shared: “2 (of 3) lanes remain closed on the M62 in West Yorkshire westbound between J23 Huddersfield and J22 Halifax following a collision. “Long delays on approach of at ...
Tack Dumpen för ert viktiga arbete. Jag är på er sida och jag vill från och med nu vara mer aktiv i er kamp. Jag börjar med att skänka er 1 miljon kronor, skriver entreprenören Douglas Roos. Om ...
I Lundströms Bokradio dyker vi ner i Kjell Höglunds musikverk som levt vidare genom decennier, med låtar som ”Jag hör hur dom ligger med varandra i våningen ovanför”, ”Genesarets sjö ...
Despite recent reforms to labor migration law, Germany is still facing a severe deficit in skilled workers. A new study has found that this will have to be filled by immigrants. Germany's ...
The last time a government collapsed in Germany was more than four decades ago. In 1982, the FDP switched sides, opting to abandon the governing SPD and join forces with the Christian Democratic ...