All California Greens are invited to the Green Party of California's online General Assembly on Saturday, November 23, 2024, 8:30 am - 3:15 pm. Join us via videoconference to meet and connect with ...
Libertarian Party of California and Green Party of California, as well as third-party candidates for relevant political offices in California and voters claim the system creates an “unconstitutionally ...
The Green Party of California is thrilled to share Green Party’s latest successes! California Green candidates secured a total of 14 local office seats: 2 City Council, 4 School Board, 5 Water or ...
Rudolph “Butch” Ware, an associate professor of history at the University of California, Santa Barbara, is running alongside Jill Stein, the Jewish Green Party presidential candidate who ...
Alaska was the first state in which a Green Party got ballot status in 1990. California followed in l992 and many state parties started to find the individual membership-based organization ...