It also has a special weapon, a needled beak that enables it to probe deep into crevices for larvae and eggs of insects ...
Around 45 million years ago, a 4.6 foot-tall (1.40 meters) flightless bird called Diatryma roamed the Geiseltal region in ...
It's difficult to know what birds "think" when they fly, but scientists in Australia and Canada are getting some remarkable ...
"What's become clear through … groups like PETA and others is that there is an ongoing trade of illegal Cambodian long-tailed macaques that are being imported into Canada for the purpose of what ...
On a long-haul flight, there’s nothing worse than ... Last year, a team of scientists discovered that birds seem to ‘buddy up’ with other species at stopover sites during migration, but ...
Paul Gray has lived at the Yilli short stay accommodation and homelessness facility at Batten Rd, Marrara, for 18 months, and said it has been a lifeline after a dark period in his life.
A shy spotted species with a yellow beak and yellow legs, the bird is critically endangered, as detailed by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "It's an extraordinary long-lived species that ...
The illegal catch was left to rot in the sun, with the barb of its tail removed, and the tell-tale hook still embedded. Nearing 2m in diameter, the fully grown short-tail — or smooth — stingray was ...
When swimming, it floats buoyantly, and it takes flight from the water easily. Of the three jaeger species, the Long-tail is the smallest and the one that migrates farthest offshore; south of the ...