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This study aims to analyze the existence of information about deprescription in the leaflets of proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medications. The leaflets available on the Brazilian Health Regulatory ...
This study examines the effects of incorporating serotonin (5-HT) into proteinoid microspheres. It looks at the microspheres’ structure and electrochemical properties. Proteinoid-serotonin assemblies ...
The volumes of a cell [cell volume (CV)] and its organelles are adjusted by osmoregulatory processes. During pinocytosis, extracellular fluid volume equivalent to its CV is incorporated within an hour ...
LA grades C and D are considered severe GERD. Treatment of EE With Proton Pump Inhibitors Nonsevere GERD can often be managed with lifestyle modifications and medication, whereas patients with more ...
When the PH value of the tubule fluid is acidic, the NH3 discharged into the tubule fluid combines with H+ to form NH4+ and is discharged with urine. If the PH value of the tubule is high, NH3 is ...
College of Energy, Soochow Institute for Energy and Materials Innovations, Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory for Advanced Carbon Materials and Wearable Energy Technologies, Soochow University, Suzhou ...