The government has launched the campaign “Hello Hong Kong” to encourage more ... behind To My Nineteen-Year-Old Self (long letters) As long as the name, image or voice of the endorser is ...
It’s basically the Danish version of an American thick southern country accent.” Others names are a lot closer to their current names — names like Brunsvik, Ellisvaerd, Bar Havn and Bydifort might ...
The following sections detail transition letters dating back to the letter Ronald Reagan left for George H.W. Bush in 1989. Biden to Trump Joe Biden (D) left a letter to Donald Trump on January 20, ...
One great advantage is that, because these letters aren’t legal documents, you can include your own personal wishes and messages to your family. Here’s everything you should include in your ...
This isn’t patriotism. The Leader-Post welcomes letters to the editor. • Letters should be limited to no more than 250 words. • Include your full name, address, phone number and home ...
HMRC has issued letters to 370,000 individuals regarding potential state pension errors, with the average person due a refund of £7,859. The issue pertains mainly to women who may have missed out ...
Re: Jama: In praise of Justin Trudeau’s leadership and kindness, Jan. 9: Thanks so much for publishing the excellent submission from Kaltun Jama. With all of the current vitriol and name-calling ...
The collection is being auctioned on Thursday. "We were just clearing out the attic and found a plastic carrier bag full of letters," explained Mr Smith. "I knew we had some letters from authors.
Hmm. Walt Lonc, London The London Free Press welcomes letters to the editor (preferably 150 words or fewer). Letters should be emailed to Please include your name ...
We invite you to write letters to the editor. A maximum of 150 words is preferred. Letters must carry a first and last name, or two initials and a last name, and include an address and daytime ...
I was happy to see some positive reviews of the prime minister’s legacy. Pundits and letter-writers have focused too narrowly on his missteps. Yes, he stayed too long and yes, he appeared tone ...
Re “Read on” (Letters, Jan. 9): A letter writer wants to send a copy of the 1971 novel The Trudeau Papers to Donald Trump as an aid to his musings on using economic force against Canada.