There is nothing as psychologically and morally dangerous as lying, as denying the truth. Jesus warns us that we can commit a ...
Liturgically, we are in the season of Pentecost, shifting from Eastertide on Pentecost Sunday, May 26. The date of Pentecost depends on when Easter comes, as Pentecost is 50 days after the ...
Greetings one and all in the name of the risen Christ! This past Sunday, June 2, we celebrated Ascension Day (which was actually Thursday, May 30). This is the day when Jesus, after having been ...
As part of the Trinity of God, the Holy Spirit plays a vital part in the lives of Christians. After Jesus died, rose and ...
Filled with the Holy Spirit, the pain of Stephen's last moments on earth was eased by seeing heaven and the glory of God. But he, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of ...
The baptism of Jesus was a part of His fulfilling all the Mosaic laws. His parents had presented Him as an infant in the ...
When Christ ascended into Heaven, He told them that He would send His Holy Spirit, and so they prayed for the coming of the Spirit. Because of the connection between the original novena and ...
(Matthew 28:19–20) The Holy Spirit came to the apostles in the form ... so that sins can be forgiven and people can have eternal life in Heaven.
After that, the living Jesus spent time with the apostles and promised to send the Holy Spirit to them, and ascended back into heaven. Pentecost is the day for Christians to remember the coming of ...
(General Directory for Catechesis #105) Jesus empowered the Church to continue His mission when He said, Full authority has been given to me both in heaven ... and of the Holy Spirit.