"Alien: Earth" is a new TV prequel to the "Alien" franchise. It starts when a spaceship crashes on Earth with a xenomorph on ...
Discover how botanic gardens worldwide are striving to combat plant extinction through innovation, collaboration, and ...
This is how much of conservative Christian culture has conditioned men to respond to any hint of emotion other than rage.
Reading about the end of the world. Plus: Kash Patel’s persecution fantasies; the other side of Sherman’s march; and the ...
Carrying a rifle and keeping an alcohol-ration card are a few things that surprised me about living in Longyearbyen, the ...
Depending on the type of process used, mining can pollute groundwater ... rallied them. “We’re going to save the town, OK? All of us together.” The audience cheered. Culter cut an awkward ...
Before It’s Gone Arctic Research Expedition founder Felicity Aston and her team gather critical polar data before the sea ice ...
Her goal is clear yet staggeringly complex: to help “individuals and ordinary people” around the world take powerful ...
As the climate crisis rewrites the rules of survival, Pakistan’s judiciary emerges as an unlikely guardian of climate justice ...
“We can spend a couple weeks up here, and we start to forget about life on Earth,” he tells me. “First you forget the day of the week. Then you start forgetting to call your family.
A small space rock that lingered near Earth last year and was ... faint rocks ejected by the moon. “We’re also going to have to get savvier about how we can whittle down the dozens or hundreds ...
Earth release date soon! We'll keep you posted as soon as more news heads our way. In the meantime, you can read our Alien: Romulus review for more details on the latest entry in the franchise.