The Minecraft Musket mod is a unique add-on that recreates the Middle Ages and introduces muskets, one of the most powerful weapons of the time.
Minecraft is famous for how many mods it has, and how easy they are to install. These mods can be practical — like creating a new item — or they can add fun thematic elements to your game ...
Minecraft Distant Horizons 1.21.4 is one of the most popular render mods that can greatly improve render distance as well as the FPS.
That said, it’s a pretty hefty download, so you might be unable ... There are a number of ways to install Minecraft mods, depending on whether you want to install a management app or implement ...
Minecraft has added a huge variety of blocks over the years, but the overall appearance has remained the same. If you are looking to branch out and experience different lighting and textures, then ...
The first thing you'll need to do to install Minecraft on your ... Select Fabric from the Mod Loader menu. Select Mods on the ...