On Jan. 29, after an all-out urban warfare battle that killed and injured thousands of people, mostly civilians, Goma, a ...
He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. Psalm 91:2 ...
ALTON - On a recent episode of “You’re Beautiful” with Brian Trust, Kristen and her brother Nathan spoke about trusting God in the wake ...
It’s a good fable I’d heard before. A tribal dance leader told it during a performance break in explaining the “Ugandan way.” ...
Two nearly identical bills from the two chambers requiring public schools to show depictions of fetal development also passed ...
"In God We Trust" has been the nation's motto since 1956. Now, Republicans in the Wisconsin legislature want it displayed in ...
Luke Bryan just recently released a song entitled “Jesus ‘Bout my Kids.” While listening to this song on the radio, it touched a chord with me. As parents, our main ...
How is your patience today? Pastor Warren Keating tells of a Sunday morning when he had a bad cold. He was coughing, sneezing, blowing his nose, and as he readily admits, “I should have stayed ...
United States President Donald Trump has defended his newly unveiled a task force to eradicate anti-Christian bias in government. Trump said that America ...
In a post on his Truth Social, Trump maintained that US is united by four simple but very beautiful words – ‘In God We Trust’. “From the very beginning of our republic, America has always ...
Death is a door of entry into God’s heaven. Jesus said "I am the way, and the truth and the life." He also said, "I am the good shepherd. I am the light of the world and I am the door. So when we die, ...