The show was the home of jaw-dropping confessions and countless clashes between guests. Luke Sewell's "Jerry Springer: Fights ...
A new Netflix documentary takes a deep dive into the primordial ooze to show how grainy "The Jerry Springer Show" highlights (or rather, lowlights) echo into the present day.
There is a lot of TV on deck in the new year – including multiple medical dramas, a violent Netflix drama about Utah settlers in the 1850s, plus, cop shows, Westerns and documentaries.
A former producer for the Jerry Springer Show, Toby Yoshimura, spoke candidly about turning to drugs and alcohol in order to ...
Producers of The Jerry Springer Show would threaten not to fly guests home if they stormed off and refused to return for the ...
The Jerry Springer Show was known for its over-the-top segments and controversial guests - and one episode in particular saw ...
There is a lot of TV on deck in the new year – including multiple medical dramas, a violent Netflix drama about Utah settlers in the 1850s, plus, cop shows, Westerns and documentaries.
Project examines Springer’s culpability in transforming the talk show space from formulaic lifestyle offering to all-out ...
For those unfamiliar with Jerry Springer, simply looking at the episode titles for the show will give you an indication of ...
Dick Wolf finds a new home in Prime Video with his first half-hour procedural, On Call. A training officer (played by Troian ...
A new Netflix documentary delves into the dicey story of the controversial ‘trash TV’ sensation. Louis Chilton speaks to the ...