The fifth mystery is depicted in art by the 19th-century British pre-Raphaelite painter, William Holman Hunt. Most people ...
Ice-age children are behind some unusual drawings in the Las Monedas Cave in Spain, a new study claims. Here & Now 's Peter O'Dowd talks with Isobel Wisher, a postdoctoral researcher in the Evolution ...
Crouch is a loving 5-year-old who recently received a kidney transplant. He is home after a short stay in the hospital and ...
In a small neighborhood in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, a group of young people gathers every afternoon on a dusty court. Among ...
The rift is a long line of mountains, volcanoes, valleys, and lakes that mark the boundary between ancient tectonic plates ...
Jesus went on to say that his disciples would live productive lives if they continued to “abide” in him. Just as the branch ...
They are 1.) the importance of a holy family life; 2.) the “Little Way” of St. Thérèse; 3.) devotion to the Virgin Mary; 4.) ...
A street preacher from Hollywood, he set out on a walk to New York City in 1969 with a 110-pound cross on his back. Then he ...
As disciples of Christ, we are His ensign,” Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles told Brigham Young ...