Gangapuri Maharaj, also known as Chhotu Baba, has become a focal point at the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. A resident of Assam’s Kamakhya Peeth, the 57-year-old stands at 3 feet 8 ...
A photographic journey through the Kumbh Mela capturing faith, culture, and humanity in striking black-and-white panoramic ...
Explore Anil Agarwal's vision for Kumbh Village, a unique tent city blending tradition and modern comforts for Kumbh Mela ...
Noting the increase in since of Kumbh Mela, the Allahabad High Court has held that there is no vested right to allotment of a ...
A significant milestone was achieved at the temporary hospital in the Maha Kumbh Mela area. Doctors successfully conducted their first delivery of a baby boy, bringing joy to everyone there.
Kumbh Mela festival, commercially known as the largest spiritual gathering on the face of the Earth has magnanimous significance signifying faith, culture and tradition. Countless devotees ...