Wiener dog races excite crowd at Ice Bears game. Jack Coker, Shopper News. Two contrasting scenes were present at the Civic ...
The trial is underway for a Pickaway County mother and son facing involuntary manslaughter and multiple felony charges in connection with a deadly pit bull attack that claimed ...
That meant that Beverly and Carolina were getting the one-on-one dates. Grant took his dozen women to a bank where they could ...
The dog’s call name is Graham, as in the crackers that join toasted marshmallow and chocolate to make s’mores. He's a grandson of Swagger, whom Johnson handled to a second-place finish at Westminster ...
These days, there are many mixed dog breeds who seem too cute to be real. One woman discovered this when her male Corgi and ...
Shreveport police arrested Miranda McGee on February 7th after an investigation which they say uncovered three dogs in ...
It’s not fine,” the would-be pet Samaritan tells the owner. “It is, I love my dog,” the owner replies. The woman behind the camera snapped back: “You love your dog but you’ve left it in the heat, in a ...
Federal law and the policies of both companies prevent drivers from refusing to transport service dogs and their owners, so News 8 contacted Lyft and Uber for comment.
As a result, Vining was arrested and charged with aggravated cruelty to animals for the deceased dog and two counts of animal ...
Sometimes, the older humans in my circle go all weird when confessing to a quick snooze in the early afternoon. Why the ...